About us

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Viktor Szőnyi

As the founder of allthemillions.com, my goal is to help as many people as possible achieve financial independence. As a qualified investment adviser with years of experience in stock market investing and as an educator, I have seen that people want new financial opportunities but have very little free time to spend on them.

That’s why we’ve developed our fully automated trading algorithm, which can help you achieve financial independence without spending hours in front of a computer!


István Fodor

I joined the team as a software developer to support the company’s investment objectives by developing algorithmic trading bots.

I have more than a decade of experience in various industries, specialising in solving complex technological problems.

My passion for data-driven systems and high-performance software has helped me to deliver many successful projects.

All the millions

Our strengths

Its strengths can be summarised in two points: because of its complexity, it makes decisions based on much more data than a human could. And it does all this for a lot of stocks on a continuous basis, without any emotion or intuition, relying only on the data.


Mire is lehet előfizetni?

As I mentioned earlier, on the one hand, we will specifically review the stock market movements of the past week, and through them the expected movements and target levels. I will also make specific recommendations for stock market, commodity market and forex products. I consider it important to explain the analytical methods I use to do this.

Először is...

First, through technical analysis. These include: changes in the put/call option ratios for each product, and shifts in the ratio of sellers to buyers, i.e. the sentiment of market participants (I will write about these in more detail later)

Másodszor is...

The second method is the methodology of financial analysis, including the quarterly stock market reports of each company. These provide relevant information such as the cash/debt ratio of the company, the expected revenue/profit ratio, the volume of share buybacks, etc…

Of course, there is more information that can help us beyond this. As you can see, we use complex methods to carry out our analyses and try to guide you through the world of the stock market. Of course, personal online advice is also available on request, and we also organise small group live presentations, which you can request further information about by e-mail.

About us

